After we dockerized our development area from the „Learn Next.js“ tutorial in my last tutorial at we will learn how to switch from Vercel’s database offering to a local PostgreSQL database.
At first we navigate to filder /docker/dev inside our project.
version: "3.9" services: nextjs-db: image: postgres:15 restart: unless-stopped volumes: - ../../db:/var/lib/postgresql/data env_file: - .env healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "pg_isready", "-U", "${POSTGRES_USER}", "-h", "${POSTGRES_HOST}", "-d", "${POSTGRES_DB}"] interval: 10s timeout: 5s retries: 5 networks: - default nextjs-dashboard: build: . ports: - 3000:3000 restart: unless-stopped depends_on: nextjs-db: condition: service_healthy volumes: - ../../:/usr/src/app/ - ./ networks: - default env_file: - .env nextjs-pgadmin: image: dpage/pgadmin4:latest ports: - 5050:80 restart: unless-stopped networks: - default environment: - - PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=postgres
POSTGRES_URL="postgres://USER:PASSWORD@nextjs-db:5432/verceldb" POSTGRES_PRISMA_URL="postgres://USER:PASSWORD@nextjs-db:5432/verceldb?pgbouncer=true&connect_timeout=15" POSTGRES_URL_NON_POOLING="postgres://USER:PASSWORD@nextjs-db:5432/verceldb" POSTGRES_USER="USER" POSTGRES_HOST="nextjs-db" POSTGRES_PORT=5432 POSTGRES_PASSWORD="PASSWORD" POSTGRES_DB="verceldb" POSTGRES_DATABASE="verceldb" # `openssl rand -base64 32` AUTH_SECRET=HASH
#!/bin/bash echo Installing node modules from package.json npm install --no-progress echo Create DB schema and example data if not exisiting npm run seed echo Starting your Node.js application npm run dev # Keep the script running in case of errors to be able to inspect the container tail -f /dev/null
In directory data.ts
import { Pool } from 'pg'; const pool = new Pool({ user: process.env.POSTGRES_USER, password: process.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD, host: process.env.POSTGRES_HOST, port: process.env.POSTGRES_PORT, database: process.env.POSTGRES_DB, }); import { CustomerField, CustomersTableType, InvoiceForm, InvoicesTable, LatestInvoiceRaw, User, Revenue, } from './definitions'; import { formatCurrency } from './utils'; import { unstable_noStore as noStore } from 'next/cache'; export async function fetchRevenue() { // Add noStore() here prevent the response from being cached. // This is equivalent to in fetch(..., {cache: 'no-store'}). noStore(); try { console.log('Fetching revenue data...'); const data = await pool.query(<Revenue>`SELECT * FROM revenue`); return data.rows; } catch (error) { console.error('Database Error:', error); throw new Error('Failed to fetch revenue data.'); } } export async function fetchLatestInvoices() { noStore(); try { const data = await pool.query( <LatestInvoiceRaw>` SELECT DISTINCT,, invoices.amount,, customers.image_url, FROM invoices JOIN customers ON invoices.customer_id = ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 5`, ); const latestInvoices = => ({ ...invoice, amount: formatCurrency(invoice.amount), })); return latestInvoices; } catch (error) { console.error('Database Error:', error); throw new Error('Failed to fetch the latest invoices.'); } } export async function fetchCardData() { noStore(); try { // You can probably combine these into a single SQL query // However, we are intentionally splitting them to demonstrate // how to initialize multiple queries in parallel with JS. //const invoiceCountPromise = sql`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM invoices`; const invoiceCountPromise = pool.query(`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM invoices`); //const customerCountPromise = sql`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers`; const customerCountPromise = pool.query(`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers`); //const invoiceStatusPromise = sql`SELECT // SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'paid' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS "paid", // SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'pending' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS "pending" // FROM invoices`; const invoiceStatusPromise = pool.query(`SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'paid' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS "paid", SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'pending' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS "pending" FROM invoices`); const data = await Promise.all([ invoiceCountPromise, customerCountPromise, invoiceStatusPromise, ]); const numberOfInvoices = Number(data[0].rows[0].count ?? '0'); const numberOfCustomers = Number(data[1].rows[0].count ?? '0'); const totalPaidInvoices = formatCurrency(data[2].rows[0].paid ?? '0'); const totalPendingInvoices = formatCurrency(data[2].rows[0].pending ?? '0'); return { numberOfCustomers, numberOfInvoices, totalPaidInvoices, totalPendingInvoices, }; } catch (error) { console.error('Database Error:', error); throw new Error('Failed to fetch card data.'); } } const ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 6; export async function fetchFilteredInvoices( query: string, currentPage: number, ) { noStore(); const offset = (currentPage - 1) * ITEMS_PER_PAGE; try { const invoices = await pool.query( <InvoicesTable>` SELECT, invoices.amount,, invoices.status,,, customers.image_url FROM invoices JOIN customers ON invoices.customer_id = WHERE ILIKE '%${query}%' OR ILIKE '%${query}%' OR invoices.amount::text ILIKE '%${query}%' OR ILIKE '%${query}%' OR invoices.status ILIKE '%${query}%' ORDER BY DESC LIMIT ${ITEMS_PER_PAGE} OFFSET ${offset} `, ); return invoices.rows; } catch (error) { console.error('Database Error:', error); throw new Error('Failed to fetch invoices.'); } } export async function fetchInvoicesPages(query: string) { try { noStore(); const count = await pool.query(`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM invoices JOIN customers ON invoices.customer_id = WHERE ILIKE '%${query}%' OR ILIKE '%${query}%' OR invoices.amount::text ILIKE '%${query}%' OR ILIKE '%${query}%' OR invoices.status ILIKE '%${query}%' `); const totalPages = Math.ceil(Number(count.rows[0].count) / ITEMS_PER_PAGE); return totalPages; } catch (error) { console.error('Database Error:', error); throw new Error('Failed to fetch total number of invoices.'); } } export async function fetchInvoiceById(id: string) { noStore(); try { const data = await pool.query( <InvoiceForm>` SELECT, invoices.customer_id, invoices.amount, invoices.status FROM invoices WHERE = '${id}'; `, ); const invoice = => ({ ...invoice, // Convert amount from cents to dollars amount: invoice.amount / 100, })); return invoice[0]; } catch (error) { console.error('Database Error:', error); throw new Error('Failed to fetch invoice.'); } } export async function fetchCustomers() { try { const data = await pool.query(<CustomerField>` SELECT id, name FROM customers ORDER BY name ASC `); const customers = data.rows; return customers; } catch (err) { console.error('Database Error:', err); throw new Error('Failed to fetch all customers.'); } } export async function fetchFilteredCustomers(query: string) { noStore(); try { const data = await pool.query( <CustomersTableType>` SELECT,,, customers.image_url, COUNT( AS total_invoices, SUM(CASE WHEN invoices.status = 'pending' THEN invoices.amount ELSE 0 END) AS total_pending, SUM(CASE WHEN invoices.status = 'paid' THEN invoices.amount ELSE 0 END) AS total_paid FROM customers LEFT JOIN invoices ON = invoices.customer_id WHERE ILIKE '%${query}%' OR ILIKE '%${query}%' GROUP BY,,, customers.image_url ORDER BY ASC `, ); const customers = => ({ ...customer, total_pending: formatCurrency(customer.total_pending), total_paid: formatCurrency(customer.total_paid), })); return customers; } catch (err) { console.error('Database Error:', err); throw new Error('Failed to fetch customer table.'); } } export async function getUser(email: string) { try { const user = await pool.query(`SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=${email}`); return user.rows[0] as User; } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to fetch user:', error); throw new Error('Failed to fetch user.'); } }
dd actions.ts
'use server'; import { signIn } from '@/auth'; import { AuthError } from 'next-auth'; import { z } from 'zod'; import { revalidatePath } from 'next/cache'; import { redirect } from 'next/navigation'; import { Pool } from 'pg'; const pool = new Pool({ user: process.env.POSTGRES_USER, password: process.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD, host: process.env.POSTGRES_HOST, port: process.env.POSTGRES_PORT, database: process.env.POSTGRES_DB, }); const FormSchema = z.object({ id: z.string(), customerId: z.string({ invalid_type_error: 'Please select a customer.', }), amount: z.coerce .number() .gt(0, { message: 'Please enter an amount greater than $0.' }), status: z.enum(['pending', 'paid'], { invalid_type_error: 'Please select an invoice status.', }), date: z.string(), }); const CreateInvoice = FormSchema.omit({ id: true, date: true }); export type State = { errors?: { customerId?: string[]; amount?: string[]; status?: string[]; }; message?: string | null; }; export async function createInvoice(prevState: State, formData: FormData) { // Validate form using Zod const validatedFields = CreateInvoice.safeParse({ customerId: formData.get('customerId'), amount: formData.get('amount'), status: formData.get('status'), }); // If form validation fails, return errors early. Otherwise, continue. if (!validatedFields.success) { return { errors: validatedFields.error.flatten().fieldErrors, message: 'Missing Fields. Failed to Create Invoice.', }; } // Prepare data for insertion into the database const { customerId, amount, status } =; const amountInCents = amount * 100; const date = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0]; // Insert data into the database try { await pool.query(` INSERT INTO invoices (customer_id, amount, status, date) VALUES ('${customerId}', ${amountInCents}, '${status}', '${date}') `); } catch (error) { // If a database error occurs, return a more specific error. console.error('Database Error:', error); return { message: 'Database Error: Failed to Create Invoice.', }; } // Revalidate the cache for the invoices page and redirect the user. revalidatePath('/dashboard/invoices'); redirect('/dashboard/invoices'); } const UpdateInvoice = FormSchema.omit({ id: true, date: true }); export async function updateInvoice( id: string, prevState: State, formData: FormData, ) { const validatedFields = UpdateInvoice.safeParse({ customerId: formData.get('customerId'), amount: formData.get('amount'), status: formData.get('status'), }); if (!validatedFields.success) { return { errors: validatedFields.error.flatten().fieldErrors, message: 'Missing Fields. Failed to Update Invoice.', }; } const { customerId, amount, status } =; const amountInCents = amount * 100; try { await pool.query(` UPDATE invoices SET customer_id = '${customerId}', amount = ${amountInCents}, status = '${status}' WHERE id = '${id}' `); } catch (error) { return { message: 'Database Error: Failed to Update Invoice.' }; } revalidatePath('/dashboard/invoices'); redirect('/dashboard/invoices'); } export async function deleteInvoice(id: string) { try { await pool.query(`DELETE FROM invoices WHERE id = '${id}'`); revalidatePath('/dashboard/invoices'); return { message: 'Deleted Invoice.' }; } catch (error) { return { message: 'Database Error: Failed to Delete Invoice.' }; } } export async function authenticate( prevState: string | undefined, formData: FormData, ) { try { await signIn('credentials', formData); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof AuthError) { switch (error.type) { case 'CredentialsSignin': return 'Invalid credentials.'; default: return 'Something went wrong.'; } } throw error; } }
dff delete db.js
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